Thursday 10 November 2016

‘Hillary Clinton Wanted To Edit The Bible, So God Made Her Lose’ – Doyin Okupe

Doyin Okupe, Former special adviser to President Goodluck Jonathan, has stated that Hillary Clinton lost the US presidential race because she wanted to edit the Bible.

Okupe, who quoted many verses of the Bible in celebration of a Donald Trump win, said “the Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought, He maketh the devices of the people of non effect. The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever”.

“Trump contested against the entire american establishment, against virtually all the mainstream media, against all the living past american presidents, against majority of world leaders including the current american president, and the celebrated Clinton machinery, and he won! Only God can do this,” Okupe said.

“Ps 2 vs 1,2,4 says ‘why do the people rage, and nations imagine a vain thing. The kings of the earth set themselves,and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and His annointed,. He that sitteth in heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision’.

“Hilary Clinton, her husband Bill and the Democrats are the protagonists of liberalism in america. They encourage homosexuality, same sex marriage and all sorts of societal immorality in the USA.”

Okupe alleged that Hillary wanted to edit the Bible to accommodate current social realities, which he said led to her downfall.

“To make matters worse in July this year Hilarry publicly stated that, the words of the Bible (the Word of God) be changed to accommodate ‘current’ social realities.

“What a blasphemy against Jehovah, the maker and ruler of the universe, the God of all flesh, the only living and Supreme God. The bible says ‘the word of God is settled’ how can we imagine that God will allow someone who will change His word to have power! Vanity and nothing short of vanity.

“The events of today is a robust testimony to all, christian and non Christians, about the awesomeness of this God, who has ridiculed all the so called Principalities and Powers of the world and has used the foolish things of this world to confound the wise men of the world.

“God is going to usher in a new order in the world and its affairs. Only the righteous will prevail. For this historic victory, of a man with no experience in politics or public or military service, We give ALL Glory to the Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ to whom all honour, praise and adoration, is due.”

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