Monday 24 October 2016

For Republicans Abandoning Donald Trump, Obama Has a Message: ‘Too Late’

NORTH LAS VEGAS, Nev. — President Obama on Sunday savaged Representative Joe Heck, Republican of Nevada, for failing to reject Donald J. Trump earlier in the presidential race, seeking to tarnish Mr. Heck and other Republican candidates across the country by association with a standard-bearer he called indecent and unfit for the presidency.

Speaking at a high school here as he began a three-day campaigning and fund-raising trip, Mr. Obama portrayed Mr. Heck, who is in a competitive Senate race that could determine control of that chamber, as having helped enable Mr. Trump’s rise by endorsing his breed of divisive politics. Only now, with Mr. Trump’s campaign foundering, is Mr. Heck willing to abandon him, the president said.

“I understand Joe Heck now wishes he never said those things about Donald Trump,” Mr. Obama told several thousand people, noting that Mr. Heck had said he had “high hopes” that Mr. Trump would become president and thought he was fit to have control over the nuclear codes. “But they’re on tape, they’re on the record, and now that Trump’s poll numbers are cratering, he said, ‘I’m not supporting him’? Too late! You don’t get credit for that.”

In wading so aggressively into the Nevada race, in which Mr. Heck is vying against Catherine Cortez Masto, a Democratic former state attorney general, to succeed Harry Reid, the retiring Senate Democratic leader, Mr. Obama was working to broaden his argument against Mr. Trump into one that can sully a large number of Republicans.

The president said they had flirted for years with a strain of bare-knuckled partisanship that appealed to people who sought to delegitimize him by falsely asserting that he was born outside the United States and was plotting to take Americans’ guns and impose martial law.

Now, he said, they should be held to account for the consequences.

“They just stood by and said nothing, and their base actually began to believe this crazy stuff,” Mr. Obama said. “Donald Trump didn’t start this. He just did what he always does, which is slap his name on it, take credit for it and promote it.”

“Now, when suddenly it’s not working,” he added, “suddenly that’s a deal breaker. Well, what took you so long? What the heck?” He went on to repeat the phrase several times.

Mr. Obama implored the crowd to turn out to vote for Hillary Clinton, or see all the progress made during his tenure go “out the window.”

“Competing for the job I currently hold, you’ve got a guy who proves himself unfit for this office every single day, every single way, and on the other side, you’ve got somebody who is as qualified as anybody who’s ever run for the presidency: Hillary Rodham Clinton,” Mr. Obama said.

But he reserved his sharpest criticism for Mr. Heck, describing him as a lackey of the billionaire Koch brothers, who have invested millions in the Nevada race.

Mr. Obama has recently made campaigning and fund-raising for Mrs. Clinton a passionate focus, traveling to a competitive state at least a day or two each week.

The president had always planned to be a fixture in the final days of the campaign, hoping to maximize the chances that his legacy would live on in her governing agenda.

But in recent days, Mr. Obama has expanded that ambition, working to translate Mr. Trump’s setbacks into gains for Democrats across the country. On Thursday, he pilloried Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, for condemning his party’s nominee without withdrawing his endorsement, arguing that Mr. Rubio was being hypocritical.

The situation is different in Nevada, where Mr. Heck did drop his support for Mr. Trump after the emergence this month of a leaked recording from 11 years ago in which Mr. Trump boasted about kissing and groping women without their consent.

Mr. Heck said Mr. Trump should drop out of the race, a move that appears to have cost him support among Republican base voters. That has left him narrowly trailing Ms. Cortez Masto in polls. The race — once considered Republicans’ best chance to wrest away a Democratic seat — is an example of how Mr. Trump’s erratic campaign has shaken up the political map.

The contest has attracted vast amounts of money, with organizations backed by conservatives like the Koch brothers, as well as by liberals like Tom Steyer and George Soros, pouring in a total of more than $54 million so far, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

The race is expected to turn in large part on voter turnout efforts. Much will depend on Hispanics, who make up more than a quarter of the population and lean toward Democrats, but who often turn out in relatively low numbers.

Imploring Nevadans to vote early, Mr. Obama said it was important that they send a message by turning out in droves.

“Do it big — don’t leave any doubt!” he said to cheers.

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